According to statistics published by the Association of Banks in Lebanon (ABL), gross public debt widened by 0.27% ($256.05 million) during the month of June 2020 to LBP 140,798 billion ($93.40 billion), up from LBP 140,412 billion ($93.14 billion) a month earlier. The share of Lebanese banks of LBP-denominated debt fell to 27.8% in June (down from 27.9% in May), while the share of Banque Du Liban increased to 59.2% (up from 59.1% in May) and that of the non-banking sector remained constant at 13.0%. As far as foreign currency-denominated debt is concerned, sovereign debt in the form of Republic of Lebanon Eurobonds constituted 94.1% of total foreign currency debt, followed by lines of credit obtained through multilateral agreements (4.1%) and bilateral facilities (1.7%).