The Lebanese financial sector’s net foreign assets expanded by $38.7 million in July 2021 in comparison with contractions of $238.3 million in June, $180.7 million in May and $546.0 million in April. July’s figures can be attributed to a $534.5 million increase in the net foreign assets of banks & financial institutions which totally offset the $495.8 million drop in the net foreign assets of the Central Bank. On a cumulative basis, the financial sector’s net foreign assets plunged by $1.77 billion during the first seven months of 2021, in comparison with a $5.53 billion drop in the same period in 2020. Said contraction owes to some $3.95 billion drop in the net foreign assets of the Central Bank which totally wiped out the $2.18 billion increase in the net foreign assets of banks & financial institutions.