The Lebanese government has recently ratified the year 2024 budget law, the first time a budget is ratified within the legislative timeframe since the year 2002. The draft budget targets some LBP 258.79 trillion in revenues and just above LBP 300 trillion in government expenditures, leading to a target deficit of LBP 41.73 trillion, i.e. 13.89% of total expenditures. The 2024 draft budget also calls for the collection of a host of fees in US Dollar (a suggestion not favored by the IMF), such as customs fees, port & airport fees, residence & work permit fees, and petroleum sector fees, only to name a few. The draft budget also suggests hiking/introducing a hoard of fees in an endeavor to accommodate for the additional public spending. This includes increasing the VAT to 12% as well as hiking real estate transaction fees and introducing fees on solid waste collection services as well as additional fees on transactions with the Ministry of Education, only to name a few.